Go the Extra Mile
The incarnate Christ set an absolute path of faith for every disciple who follows Him, which is also the foundation of all biblical understanding, and that is “discipleship.” Discipleship is not an “optional” practice for those who have surplus strength in their faith, but rather a “necessary” path for us to understand the truth. Beginning with the “oral tradition” formed through a series of memorization and recitation of God’s revelation to the Israelite community in the Old Testament, and continuing to Jesus’ personal selection of the 12 disciples, it is a process of “shaping faith through oral relationships.”
The design concept of “Go the Extra Mile” is to return to the most original scene of revelation in the Bible and restore communal Bible reading as the foundation of discipleship.
Go the extra mile — Judges#1
First StationThe First Station God’s Plan B 一、Tips for the Guide: (1) The existence of the Book of Judges is indeed a “chaotic mystery” for the entire Old Testament. Why does the revelation of the Bible record so many flawed leaders? To answer this question, perhaps we can try to find possible reasons from the first judge with a complete record of ministry, Deborah. In Deborah’s journey of service, we see God extending an invitation of certain victory to a leader who might reject Him. Although the invited “Barak” initially refused to fully obey God’s invitation and instead made a …