About SOWIM Bible Study Resources

Rain and snow fall from the sky and do not return, but they nourish the soil, causing it to sprout and bear fruit, so that there is seed for the sower and food for those who eat.
So shall my word go out from my mouth: it shall not return void, but it shall accomplish the good pleasure of me, and shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
《Isaiah 55:10-11》

Features of SOWIM
Bible Study Resources
Bible Study Resources
Life is a journey, and knowing God is a lifelong pursuit. The ‘Discipleship Life Bible Reading Series’ is a series of multimedia Bible reading materials developed by SOWIM’s pastoral team, based on years of practical experience, continuous research, and improvement. It is suitable for personal devotions, two-person shared reading, as well as small group Bible study, discipleship training, and missionary work.
Carefully written scriptural explanations by Bible scholars present each book of the Bible in its entirety. Videos filmed on location in Israel and the Near East, along with clear maps, timelines, 3D animations, 3D modeling, archaeological artifacts, and historical backgrounds, help restore the original context of the Bible’s narrative, bring you into the scene where God speaks, and help you understand the principles of God’s work.
Features of the Discipleship Life Bible Reading Series of
Includes both devotional reflection and shared reading discussion
Synchronizes scripture guidance with video viewing
Incorporates biblical archaeology and on-location filming
Emphasizes rigorous exegesis and discipleship training equally

Dr. Paul Lai, Professor of Old Testament Studies, GETS Theologicial Seminary, USA
The meaning of “the Lord of Hosts”: Jehovah is the ruler of all things in heaven and earth, the entire universe. We must not deliberately tempt God by engaging in activities involving communication with spirits.
Dr. Timothy WU, Professor of Old Testament Studies, China Evangelical Seminary
The First and Second Books of Samuel are not merely historical narratives, nor are they simply an account of the transition from the era of Judges to the period of the Kingdom, from Samuel to Saul to David. These books testify that history is God’s story – HIS story.

.How to use SOWIM's Bible Study Resources
- You can visit SOWIM's
- • website (en.www.sowim.org)
- • Scan the QR code in the book
- • YouTube SOWIM Official Channel
Watch the videos and choose from different languages according to your needs: Mandarin, Hokkien, Hakka, Cantonese, etc.

The ‘Discipleship Life Bible Reading Series’ is like seeds, planting God’s Word in your heart through videos and text, providing you with satisfying spiritual nourishment. The mission of “SOWIM” is “to provide seed to the sower and bread to the eater!” (Isaiah 55:10)
We hope that after using the ‘SOWIM Discipleship Life Bible Reading Series’, you will also become a sower, joining SOWIM in spreading God’s Word to all parts of the world, because “the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.” (Habakkuk 2:14)
Click to watch Reverend Susan Chen of SOWIM demonstrate how to use the Bible study series handbook.