Giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater
《Isaiah 55:10》
Just as God sends rain and snow from heaven to nourish the earth, causing it to sprout and bear fruit, so too He desires that we sow the word of God in people’s hearts. God yearns for everyone who receives His word to have a life abundantly filled with power and joyful hope. The passage from Isaiah 55:10 ” Giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater” encapsulates the very mission God calls SOWIM to fulfill – spreading His life-giving message to the ends of the earth.

.Our Vision
Jesus said in John 4:14, “Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” The English name of our organization, Spring of Water International Ministries, comes from Jesus’ words about the “spring of water” in this verse. The NIV translates it as “a spring of water.” Our mission is to sow the seeds of God’s word in people’s hearts through multimedia Bible study materials, leading them to know the Lord Jesus, enabling them to drink the water that Jesus gives, becoming a “spring of water” within each person’s life, welling up to eternal life.
SOWIM’s materials are like seeds of biblical truth. The missionary teams are the sowers. The sowers labor to sow seeds in the fields, and God causes the seeds to germinate, form ears, until the fields are full of ripe grain – the joyful time of God’s harvest. SOWIM is dedicated to producing multimedia Bible study materials, including videos filmed in the Holy Land and comprehensive Bible guides. SOWIM produces these materials in multiple languages such as Chinese, English, Spanish, Arabic, Hakka, Cantonese, Hokkien, and Nepali for use by churches, Christian fellowships, and missionaries around the world. The heart’s desire behind “sowing” is to help every born-again Christian become a sower, personally experiencing “the one who sows has seed to sow, and the one who reaps will have food,” bravely participating in the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.

.Our Ministries

Back to the Bible
The internet era has opened up a wider platform for SOWIM’s Bible study guides and videos. On SOWIM’s official YouTube channel (Youtube.com/@SOWIM), there are hundreds of videos shot on location in the Holy Land with fascinating biblical historical sites and archeological artifacts, vivid 3D animations and illustrations, and realistic dramatic reenactment of biblical scenes. These elements help the audience living in the 21st century grasp the content of the Bible. It is a great resource for deepeningone’s faith and spiritual growth. It is also a valuable practical Bible resource for personal reading, fellowships, small groups, Sunday schools, and missionary work in various places.
SOWIM’s multimedia Bible resources take us back to the Bible, providing immersive experiences and helping people better understand the historical context and characters’ experiences in the Bible. It’s the ideal resource for anchoring our faith and nurturing spiritual growth.

Enter the mission field
SOWIM supports missionary work in different countries according to the vision and mission received from God.
Through the ministry of “Muslim 1000”, SOWIM sends 1,000 sets of multimedia Bible teaching materials to Muslim countries every year to support the gospel work of local missionaries and churches. In addition, we plan short-term mission trips and lecture tours every yearin order to invite brothers and sisters from various churches to participate in equipping training, embark on a missionary journey, and respond to the Great Commission that the Lord Jesus commanded us which is to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth.

Promoting the Discipleship on-site
The Bible is the revelation of God for discipleship. Only in the practice of discipleship training can the Bible not be studied for gaining head knowledge and miss the purpose of God’s revelation.
Therefore, “SOWIM” is committed to making available these biblical resources of audio-visual materials e in the form of online courses, in-person lectures, and camp-like settings to guide users in establishing a relationship between “guide” and “accompany.” Thus,the reading and studying of the Bible will then lead naturally into praying for each other as followers of Jesus Christ walk with one another, embarking on a journey of discipleship, and implementing discipleship training!