.Missionary Action
Nepal Mission
The mission of SOWIM at its founding – “to provide seed to the sower and bread to the eater” – is to spread God’s Word like seeds to every corner of the world. 13 Bible multimedia videos and reading materials, 10 short-term missions to Taiwan, 2 missions to Egypt, and the use of our materials across 5 continents in 38 countries – this is only the beginning!
Little Ni from Nepal says, “I got to know SOWIM because a brother named BRANABAS came to Nepal as a missionary and met my father. He played a very important and wonderful role in my life!” He provided constant encouragement and help. “In him, I saw the love of Christ,” Little Ni says. Brother BRANABAS always had a knack for giving him words of wisdom at crucial turning points in his life, enlightening him. Even before they met in person, he loved Little Ni with Christ’s love and offered unexpected encouragement and help. “In him, I saw the love of Christ.”
Brother BRANABAS is a user of SOWIM materials and a faithful supporter of SOWIM’s ministry. Through his introduction, Little Ni got to know SOWIM. “I appreciate SOWIM’s materials because they don’t preach at you, but let you personally receive biblical truths.” Since his own father was saved through a gospel booklet, Little Ni deeply understands the importance of gospel literature work.
Currently, Little Ni and his translation team are working hard to translate SOWIM’s publications into Nepali, and have already completed the Books of Ruth and Nehemiah. However, they now face a significant challenge: the difficulty of voice recording. In Nepal, where literacy rates are not high, videos are very helpful for pastors’ ministry work. However, “Under limited conditions, it’s really not easy to find a professional, suitable voice actor who is a Christian.” This is because this work is not a commercial activity, but rather something that should glorify God and benefit people from the process to the result, and even in its future impact.
Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy! He who goes out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him.
《Psalms 126:5-6》