20241025 Encountering Eternity through the Book of Job
SOWIM North America Online Bible Seminar Coming in December
SOWIM North America Online Bible Seminar Coming in December

Encountering Eternity through the Book of Job
SOWIM North America Online Bible Seminar Coming in December
In this world, we often find ourselves perplexed by many questions:
Will the path of the righteous always be smooth?
Why is there so much injustice in the world?
What is the root cause of suffering?
Why doesn’t an almighty God prevent suffering?
Has God’s image changed in our hearts because of the presence of suffering?
As we delve deeper into the Book of Job, we will find answers rooted in eternity.
Course Information
2024-2025 SOWIM North America Online Bible Seminar “Encountering Eternity through the Book of Job” (Four sessions in total):
North America Class Dates:
2024: December 5
2025: February 27 | May 29 | July 31
North America Class Times:
Pacific Time – Thursdays, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Taiwan Class Dates:
2024: December 6
2025: February 28 | May 30 | August 1
Taiwan Class Times:
Fridays, 11:00 AM – 12:30 AM
(Taiwan Time for 12/6/2024 & 2/28/2025)
Fridays, 10:00 AM – 11:30 PM
(Taiwan Time for 5/30/2025 & 8/1/2025)
Event Format: Zoom Online Seminar
Speaker: Dr. Chloe Sun, Old Testament Professor at Fuller Theological Seminary
Registration Fee: Free | Voluntary donations to support the ministry
Participants are required to purchase the discipleship life-study guide on the Book of Job.
Registration Link:
Click here to register for the Book of Job seminar
Purchase Book Link:
Donation Link:
Please select the appropriate region for donation: USA/Canada, Europe (USD), or Asia Pacific/Taiwan (NTD).
North America Contact Information:
Phone: (949) 502-5688
Email: info@sowim.org
Taiwan Contact Information:
Phone: 0906-918-977
Email: tw@sowim.org